Install one of the programs that allow you to compress the traffic, increase the speed of loading pages and hide the ads. These include the following: Proxomitron, CProxy, ETraffic. The compression of traffic is possible from 40% to 80% of the total flow. These programs are very useful for those who pays for Internet access at a certain limit (ADSL, EDGE, GPRS, etc.) and users with low speed Internet. In addition to the compression of traffic (https, http) these programs have many additional features: lock-up banners of large size and interactive Flash movies, changing quality of images (png, gif, jpg), superstrong filter ads parser pages with destroying ads, faster page loads. These programs are supported by many browsers (Opera, Internet Explorer, etc.) and any types of Internet connections.
Take advantage of utility SG TCP Optimizer. In the settings put the slider to the maximum speed of the Internet.
In the settings of the Internet connection, tick this box to use the Proxy.
Use browsers that speed up web surfing. For example, Maxthon browser well downloaded all YouTube videos. Browser SlimBrowser has a high speed. Wyzo does an excellent job of handling video and multimedia. Moreover, it is possible to download files without installing the applications using the BitTorrent Protocol.
Modify your browser settings in a certain way. That is turn off the processing scripts. It allows you to block Silverlight, Java, JavaScript, as well as to protect the computer and to speed up the display of websites.
Use plug-ins. For example, in Firefox the plugin CustomizeGoogle will be able to customize start page of Google, which blocks cookies and make the search safer and faster. And The Plugin in the same browser, saves notes about the sites. Plugins reduce the loading time of the pages in other browsers.
Use one or more recommended here ways. This way you will be able to significantly improve the Internet connection and to save your time and money.