You will need
  • - silicone sealant;
  • soap;
  • polyethylene adhesive tape;
  • - vaseline;
  • - a sharp knife or blade;
  • marker.
Some of the cups have a factory flaw — a "bump" on the side which is pressed against a tile or aquarium glass. From it to get rid. Then use a sharp knife or blade. To cut the "bump" to be very careful. Usually it is centered and does not allow suction Cup how to stick to the wall.
If the weight is small, can lubricate the surface of the suction Cup with petroleum jelly. Hooks in this case will be held as and easy aquarium equipment. For relatively heavy shelves this method is best not to apply. Vaseline in this case plays the role of a sealant. This method can be used in the aquarium, this substance is harmless to fish.
Carefully inspect the contents of the box to the shelf. It may well be that the together with suction cups there are small plastic circles with the adhesive side. Wash the tile with soap or detergent and dry. Mark locations for mounting, attaching a shelf or hook. At the intended point stick plastic circles. To them attach the suckers.
Pads can be done yourself, if there is a plastic adhesive film. It is usually intended for cold lamination and is sold in online stores or wherever they sell supplies for offices. You need only a few centimeters. Circle suction Cup, cut out circles of desired size and glue them to the wall. Sucker for such pads hold for a long time without using glue.
To glue plastic or rubber suction Cup on silicone sealant. Pre-wash the tile with soap and water. Silicone sealant do not need to breed, it is sold in tubes. Brush over the right side of the suction Cup and firmly press it to the planned place. Silicone holds even fairly heavy objects, including in areas with high humidity. This method can also be glued to the glass aquarium equipment