In case of loss, damage or destruction of the Malina immediately contact the operator of the Support Center program by phone 495-780-00-44 for Moscow and the Moscow region, or 800-700-14-13 for other regions of the Russian Federation. The operator will block your card and stop all the possible operations on it. So your accumulated points will remain in your account. Keep in mind that if you lose or destroy the additional card which is issued together with the principal, you are also obliged to notify the organizer by calling on the above numbers. Remember that in the case of using accumulated program points to block the card Raspberry, order fees and delivery non-authoritative entity, the organizer is not liable to you for cancellation points.
After blocking of card Raspberry the organizer of the program recovers lost or stolen card to save the information about the member, his accumulated points, order history rewards. New membership card is issued in the office of the program Raspberry or sent by mail. Please note that the Rules of participation the organizer does not prescribe the timing recovery card and disclaims any liability for delay recovery card. So check this question on the phone when you block your lost card.
Recovery card is free of charge, however, the organizer reserves the right to collect from the participant the actual cost of card replacement and delivery. Unfortunately, he did not specify in what cases is the retention of the cost, so check with the Manager of the Support Center, terms of a replacement card. In addition to the main card you can also purchase three additional cards that can use any person residing with you at the same address.