Ask for book reviews and suggestions in identifying low-quality product or service. This book should be located in a conspicuous place and should provide it on demand. Make sure that the book of complaints processed correctly and meets the requirements of the law. This book reviews and suggestions must be fully numbered, bound, must bear the stamp of wax. Such measures are needed to ensure that an unscrupulous seller can't rip out the page with the complaint against him. The seal shall be authenticated by the signature of the Manager. On one side of the notebook retained contacts, and management comments, and on the second side of the written complaint. Externally, the notebook can be any, the main thing that the decoration was in accordance with law. On the first page of the book find the instructions for writing a complaint, there are phones manual, Gostorginspektsii, Prefecture of the Department of market and other data. If the book of complaints does not correspond to the official requirements, then apply this in the Gospotrebnadzor.
Write a book of reviews and suggestions his complaint. The recording should convey the essence of the incident. Surname, name, patronymic of the seller, describe the reason for the complaint and specify the time when there was a violation. By law you have the right to require a pen, a Desk and chair for writing complaint. If you refused, indicate this fact in the complaint.
Mark the date and the signature on the complaint. By law, the Director is obliged to consider your complaint within two days. After that within five days the administration should review the problem and take steps to address it. Visit the plant again in a week and look in the book of complaints. On the other side of the sheet with your complaint should indicate what measure it has taken to address the issue. If you leave your address, then within five days you had to send a written response.