Select a driving school which you learn. Find a driving school can be advertising on the Internet, Newspapers, magazines or from the ads that usually stick in the area where the teaching takes place. Choose a driving school closer to where you live, work or study. It will be easier, because you do not have to spend a lot of time on the road.
Will discuss with the leadership of a driving school schedule of classes. The standard course involves lectures and practical sessions with the instructor. Lectures will prepare you to pass the theoretical exam, and driving to the delivery practices. Notify the one who will issue you the documents that you are registered in another city. Show temporary registration at the place of stay.
Pay for training at a driving school. Most likely, you will be concluded a contract for the provision of services that will specify your rights and obligations, training cost, etc.
Once you begin to read lectures on the theory of driving, you will have the opportunity to meet with the instructor to practice and discuss with him the meeting place and time. Usually the platform on which to perform the exercises and it seems practical exam, is near the driving school.
During your training manual driving school will send a request to the Department of traffic police of your city, at your residence indicated in the passport. Because the response to them by mail, the time of receipt may be different. Make sure that the driving school have sent a request as early as possible, as soon as you start training. Periodically remind them the person who deals with paperwork in the driving school (most likely the Secretary).
If you want to take the initiative in their hands, go to your hometown for help from the local branch of the traffic police. Driving school Secretary will say what the sample help you will need. Usually requires a certificate stating that a driver's license you were issued, you are not deprived.
Please submit a certificate with the Secretary of the driving school. He will attach it to your set of documents required for the exam in the traffic police. You will also need a medical certificate, a few photos (for driver cards, certificates, etc.), photocopies of your passport and registration, receipt of payment of the state fee for the exam in the traffic police. Usually about the necessary documents informs the user of a driving school or instructor who conducts theoretical studies.
After successfully passing theoretical and practical examinations in driving school you have to pass the exam in the traffic police. Remember that the inspectors are more strict than the teachers at the driving school. Listen carefully to their instructions and instructions during the exam, try not to worry and clearly follow the rules of the road.
Passing the exam in the traffic police, ask the inspector when you take your driver's license. Usually this can be done a few days in the office, where he passed the exam.