You will need
  • - lemon;
  • - sugar-free chewing gum;
  • juicy vegetables and fruits;
  • - infusions;
  • - candies;
  • refreshing pills;
  • - rinse.
The reason for the low secretion can be diabetes mellitus, endocrine diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, of mental disorders. Therefore, consult your doctor, complete the full course of examination and get a recommendation of a specialist. Definitely need to give blood and urine for sugar, biochemical analysis, to be examined by a neurologist and a psychiatrist, to do an ultrasound of the abdomen and thyroid gland, as well as to donate blood for hormones T-3 and T-4. On the basis of surveys will prescribe the necessary treatment.
Taking certain medications can also cause dry mouth and reduce saliva production. In particular, this is facilitated by neuroleptics, tricyclic antidepressants and many other drugs. Put health care provider know about all the medicines you are taking. If cannot be waived due to the state of health, make available tools that increase salivation and help cope with dry mouth or ask the doctor to prescribe the same drugs that will not reduce saliva and cause dry mouth.
Chewing movements signal to the brain and begins to produce saliva. Therefore, chew chewing gum with mint flavor without sugar, dissolve candies, refreshing drops, drink plenty of fluids.
Do not eat salty, spicy and fatty foods. Include in the diet of juicy fruits and vegetables, drink water with lemon.
Between meals, rinse your mouth with mouthwashes or herbal extracts: chamomile, sage, calendula.
Brush your teeth 2-3 times a day, because if not, the saliva washes the mouth is developing tooth decay and can cause cracks in the mucous membranes, in cases which arise dangerous complications.
But all these activities only will help to minimize discomfort. Adequate therapy of the underlying disease may be prescribed only by a doctor.