Today the employee who was forced to go to the hospital stay and brought the corresponding document, entitled to payment for that period. In order to enable you to navigate your rights carefully read the rules of delivery and payment for hospital sheet.
In order to calculate the amount of payments on the sick list, prepare the following information: the number of working days, the amount of insurance and average hourly wages. It should be emphasized that the latter figure includes not only actual income but the amount deducted as tax.
If you want to calculate the sick list, use the following formula. To calculate the sick, multiply the average daily salary by the number of working days that you were sick, and the percentage of this reference.
Unfortunately, this system is valid only in the case if you will clearly follow all the rules. In particular, when the first symptoms of the disease should call a therapist or go to the doctor's office. It does not matter was you in this area or not.
Don't wait for the moment when health will improve, because the doctor has no right to issue sick leave retroactively.
On arrival at the work, submit the sick leave to the personnel Department, where employees will make to the sick leave information about the insured employee's seniority. In the future, this document falls into the hands of the employee, the representative on social insurance (this could be a function of the chief accountant). Calculation of amounts held in accounts.
It is necessary to take into account a few things. First, you will not receive sick leave at doctors ambulance or at the station of blood transfusion, as well as in physiotherapy clinics, spas and establishments it is judicial-medical examination. Can not carry at work certificate issued by a doctor from a private clinic that carries out business activities.
Secondly, the doctor has the right to deny you sick leave in the case if you self-inflicted harm.
Thirdly, the certificate is not issued to people who are injured under the influence of alcohol or various psychotropic substances.