Account management (accounts) users on a Windows operating system is carried out by special service. In order to run it, go to "start" and then click "control Panel". In the folder control panel, double-click on the icon "user Accounts". In the service window displays all user accounts on this computer. By using the service, user accounts can be temporarily disabled or removed completely. You can't disable or delete the account record of the administrator with special rights.
In order to delete your record computer user, select the account and click its icon. This action will open the window of account settings, which will represent all the possible actions with it. In order to remove an entry Windows XP user, click on the link "Delete account". Then select the action you want to perform deleted files account. These data can be stored on the administrator's desktop, or permanently delete from your computer. Selecting the action, confirm the account deletion.
In addition you can log on to the system using an individual account, has almost unlimited rights to log on to Windows XP you can use a special type of account called "Guest". Accounting entry of the guest cannot be deleted, but if necessary it can be disabled. To do this, select the account record as the guest services window "user Accounts" and click "Disable account "Guest". Now when you turn on the computer choose the account to login will not be provided.