You will need
- - e-mail on Rambler
Go to the service page If you forgot your email password, then click on the link under the sign - in email "Forgot password?". If you do not remember the name of the mailbox, send a request to support the Rambler.
Enter your Inbox Rambler in the specified string. Confirm that you are not a robot by entering the security code characters in the picture. The register in this case is irrelevant. Be sure to check the keyboard layout.
Answer your secret question. At the time of registration of the mailbox you specified a security question and answer. Tighten your memory and answer it. If showing is not your question, then most likely you have incorrectly entered the name of the mailbox. In this case, return one point back. Then enter a security code, which confirms that the person you are.
Create and enter twice the new password to the mailbox. Do not choose simple passwords. The password must consist of at least 6 characters and contain Latin letters and digits. Pay attention to the language keyboard. Also remember, on or off your Caps Lock. Do not select a password that complies with your name, mailbox name or your date of birth.
Perform authorisation of a new password to your Inbox. To do this, enter in the login form the mailbox name and the new password to him. If you have long used email address, the system Rambler will notify you of the lock. In order to unlock the mailbox you want to re-enter the new password to the mailbox.
Contact customer service Rambler mailsupport@rambler-co.ruif at any point you have any difficulties. Pre-prepare information about the mailbox that you remember, among which, the date of registration specified personal information, your ip address, the last date of call to the post, the number of letters indicative of the name, email and password.