The law requires certification not only to graduates of medical schools but also physicianm with a background of years of successful operation. However, the studies and examinations require much time, nerves, and sometimes of material resources, which can not affect the quality of service doctor their patients.
So, of course, the process of certification of doctors in Russia is more formal. However, article 54 of the "Bases of the legislation of the Russian Federation about health protection of citizens" from 22.07.93 № 5487-1 (in ed. from 02.12.2000) States that "the right to engage in medical activities in the Russian Federation shall have the persons with higher or secondary medical education in the Russian Federation, having the diploma and a special rank, and to engage in certain activities the list of which is established by the Minzdrav of Russia, is also a specialist certificate and license. However the types of medical activity requiring licensing and certification, to date not defined, so each facility has the right to set their own qualification requirements for the specialists.
To obtain the certificate a recertification of a medical professional, there are three ways, from the perspective of the law. You can pass a planning cycle in the education Department at the nearest medical Institution, if available and if the UNIVERSITY wants you to teach.
You can also take this course on a paid basis. This is usually easier, but more expensive. If you are a working professional, and the clinic is interested in you, receive a certificate you can, after training under the direction of the clinic in a particular health educational institution.
There is the illegal way of obtaining of the certificate purchase. However, before you choose, consider that you risk your reputation of the doctor and specialist.