The first condition for obtaining a high school diploma is the end of the school year, no unsatisfactory ratings. If you have debt on any subject, do not delay subsequent to the end of the year. Come systematically to the teacher for advice. Usually teachers assign on a certain day of the week time to correct estimates.
Take time to laboratory and test work. Agree with the teacher in case of poor result.
Do not skip classes without a good reason. Be sure to ask the classmates about what was learned in the lesson and do homework.
If you have in the class, who is well versed in a particular subject, ask him to explain complex material. Learn to understand difficult assignments, do not write them thoughtlessly.
In the case of an existing unsatisfactory grade, pay him special attention in the next quarter, since there is a probability of getting her in a year.
Arrive on time for lessons, not konfliktuete with teachers and especially with the administration of the institution, if you want people to go meet you in a difficult situation.
Once you will finish the year without the two, you need to pass the exam. Keep in mind that after the exam day three or four, Rosobrnadzor announces the minimum threshold. If you don't overcome, the exam for this subject is considered undelivered.
Graduates typically pass the exam on three or four academic disciplines. And in Russian language and mathematics to take the exam should all graduates, while the other objects - the choice of the student. If you are not able to overcome the minimum threshold on one of obligatory subject matter, you will have the opportunity to retake it in reserve days. About them will tell you the teachers at the school. If you can not cope with the tasks and math and the Russian language, repeated attempts this year you will be gone. It will appear only next year. And only then will you be able to obtain a high school diploma.
If you're a responsible attitude to learning, well prepared for the exam, you will be able without much trouble to obtain a high school diploma.