By EasyHow
How to name your city
All games that you can find in the world of the Internet, share on browser and full client games. Some games have a huge popularity among players of all ages. One of the most popular game genres is the simulation of urban development. In such games the main objective is the development of your city, increasing its territory and the construction of various buildings. The city can be given any name.
You will need
- Personal computer, basic components, access to the Internet. installed and configured the game.
Go to the game in which you want to name your town, or open a website with the game.
Start your profile in the game. If the profile yet, you can create it in main menu or when you turn on the game.
Build your city and in the appeared window enter the desired name. If no menu, then open settings and enter the desired name.
Wait for the download city and installation name. Installation and booting of the city can take some amount of time, the speed depends on your PC and the speed of your Internet connection.
In some games the name of the city is assigned on the profile name. The games saves are not compatible with towns and discard all the data after turning off the game.
Useful advice
In most games the name of the city you can change during the game, but there are games in which you can not change the name of the city. In some games when you select the name of the city has random name that comes up with different names for your city. Games through the site, you must have installed Adobe Flash player.