If you are taking regular tablets of nitroglycerin, if pain behind the breastbone, place 1-2 tablets medication under the tongue and wait until complete resorption. If the pain has not disappeared, take 1 tablet after 5 minutes. If after another 5 minutes chest pain persists, call the Ambulance.
Tablets and long-acting capsules, take the dose and with such frequency, what your doctor orders. Medicine take before meals, not liquid, take a small amount of water.
Capsules of nitroglycerin with the usual duration of action take the same as standard tablets of nitroglycerin. The only difference is that the re-ingestion of the capsule is possible in 30-40 minutes. To accelerate the action of nitroglycerin in the capsule, crush the shell with their teeth.
Nitroglycerin aerosol spray or spray under the tongue. Make 1-2 sprays on the metering valve, wait 10 minutes, if the pain has subsided, repeat the procedure again. If after the second spray pain did not disappear, seek medical assistance immediately.
If you take nitroglycerin in drops, then when the pain drip 1-2 drops of the drug under the tongue. You can also put 3-4 drops on a sugar cube and put it under the tongue for sucking.
If you prefer a film of nitroglycerine for sticking to the gums, with pain in heart press with the thumb of one film over teeth or small indigenous teeth of the upper jaw. The film adheres to the mucosa, and the nitro will start to soak through it.
The patch containing nitroglycerin, apply to the skin of the left chest or left forearm. It glues no more than 2 pieces a day.
If you are using nitroglycerin ointment, its quantity and rate of application pre-selected for you by your doctor. To use, squeeze the ointment from the tube strip of a certain length and massage into the skin of the left half of the chest or left forearm.
Tablets and capsules with the usual duration of action, aerosols , sprays, drops and films on the gums use when pain. They can also be applied to physical and emotional stress, usually causing pain.
Tablets and long-acting capsules, plasters and ointments use to prevent seizures.