On the inside clothing, attach a safety pin closure down and it will repel any negative energy aimed at you. Alternatively, you can use a red woolen thread – tie on her left wrist and not shoot.
If you begin to experience negative emotions, being in crowded places, cross your arms or put one leg over the other – it will help you psychologically isolate themselves from the crowd and to create around himself a kind of protective screen.
In addition, you can connect your imagination and visualize this shield around themselves in the mirrored walls, mirrors, facing outwards, or Golden spiral, which covers you from negative energies, but it allows you to see other people and interact with them.
Your imagination needs to play a key role in your self-defense against foreign directional influences – imagining that you are surrounded by protective symbols, you will form around the reality. In particular, it helps in the protection from conspiracies to present itself in the morning dressed in Golden clothes with a Golden headdress. Imagine if you go in Sunny weather between two cereal fields. This visualization will protect you for the whole coming day.
Taking a shower after a hard and exhausting day, imagine that water is a positive energy that washes away all the negativity you accumulated over the day. If you are a believer, ask God to clear you of negative energy, if it is, and then imagine if you poured a silvery rain.
Try also to imagine that you wrap yourself up head first into a huge fragrant rose petal. Make the visualization as clear as possible – so that you almost felt the smell of roses. It will soothe and protect you.
In order to remove casting curses and spells, learn to breathe properly. Propagate out loud blare, at the same time with the proper inhales and exhales, then begin to propagate these sounds myself, seeking the propagation of sound vibrations on the whole body. If you think some thing can protect you in the future from the same curse, carry it always with him as a talisman.