You will need
- butter
- two pans
- one more than the other or one thick-walled pot
- gauze
- glass or pottery for storage
To get the perfect melted butter from poor cream impossible. Choose good oil, no vegetable fat and other additives.
Melt down a small amount of oil and on the stove, but a lot of oil, stock up for the year ahead, it is better to heat it in the oven. 1 kilogram of butter melt on the stove for 2 hours, and in the oven for a half, 10 pounds will burn on the heat for 10 hours in the oven – about 8. How much will the GI of a certain amount of oil, to say it is always difficult, it depends on how many in each grade contains water and milk protein. Typically, the water content in oil – 18%, protein 2%, and pure milk fat – 80%, but these figures are very approximate. On average, 1 kg of good butter slightly less than 800 grams of pure Ki.
Ghee, melted on the stove, called the garden guy. It is cooked in a water bath – a pan of a smaller size put in the pan more and the remaining space between them is filled with water. Cream the butter cut into pieces and put in a small saucepan. The water is heated to the boil, reduce the heat to medium and wait until the oil surface does not appear white protein foam. It is removed with a slotted spoon. At the bottom of a small saucepan will also form a precipitate. Many sources warn Housewives that he in any case should not become brown, burnt, but in a water bath it does not threaten you. Once the protein foam will cease to be formed – the oil is ready. Now you need to strain it through a clean cheesecloth into a glass jar or clay pot. Melted butter can be stored up to one year, without changing their qualities.
To get oil, melted in the oven – CHULA GI – you need to pre-heat it to 150 degrees Celsius. Butter, cut into small pieces, put into a thick-bottomed pan and put in the oven, the temperature is maintained the same. What good is this method? You have no need to watch the butterand remove the foam - after GI is ready, you can easily remove from its surface a dense crust. On heating each kilogram of oil takes about three quarters of an hour. After you get the oil out of the oven, free from crust, it also needs to drain into a clean glass or clay container, cooling and storing.
Guy perfectly perceives aromatic additives. Make the melted butter with pepper, turmeric, flavored with cumin and cloves. Clove oil – lung GI – so, if in the melted butter put into a clean gauze bag 20 buds of the clove tree, a quarter nutmeg, not powdered, and broken in pieces, two tablespoons of sesame seeds. The said quantity is enough to flavor 1 killogramm oil. After the butter melt, the bag should be removed and act according to the standard procedure – drain, pour, store.
Especially tasty and healthy ginger ghee oil – adrak GI to cook it enough to throw in the melted butter peeled ginger root. About 3 inches of root per kilogram of oil.