To prevent the appearance of edema , you need to watch your weight. Reduce consumption of fatty foods, salt and processed foods. Do not overdo sweet and soda. Include in the diet of foods with a diuretic effect. These include: celery, apples, parsley and citrus. Improves blood circulation garlic and onions. It is useful to consume foods rich in vitamin C ( red peppers, potatoes, melons, cabbages, strawberries) and E (corn, soybean oil, sunflower seeds and almonds). Do not limit your water intake. Daily fluid intake must approximately be about 1.5-2 liters.
To prevent swelling you should get as much rest as possible. At this time, put your feet on the platform, so that it is above the level of the hips. For standing work to improve blood flow step from foot to foot. Do not sit putting one leg on another – poor blood circulation can lead to blood clots.Arriving home, ask your husband or someone else to make you a light massage. Massage the legs from the feet to knees, using a neutral oil. Useful are lavender and oil of cypress.
Among the popular techniques to eliminate edema a special place deserves cabbage (especially leaves are dark green in color). Apply free of dirt, but not washed the leaves of vegetable to swollen feet. Cabbage leaves are pre-chill in the fridge. When they become wet, apply to feet new. Cabbage leaves pull excess fluid, and the procedure can be repeated as necessary.If you are suffer from cholecystitis, drink tea made from dandelion roots. And also quit Smoking, because, according to doctors, Smoking also promotes the formation of edema.The swelling may be prerequisites of more serious diseases. Therefore, when detected, must inform the doctor. He will establish the cause of their appearance and prescribe effective treatment.