You will need
    • 3 glass jars 700ml
    • 2 kg beef fillet
    • a few Bay leaves
    • black pepper
    • dried marjoram
    • salt
Homemade stew can be prepared from different types of meat (beef, pork, lamb, chicken, etc.) for the same recipe. Only homemade stew of beef, pork and lamb is made from a fillet, a homemade stew of chicken of fillets and slices of meat with bones.
Cut large pieces of meat, mix it in a bowl with salt and marjoram. The amount of salt depends on your own preference, on average, each kilo of meat, you can add a tablespoon of salt.
Keep in mind that homemade stew will turn out especially tasty, juicy and flavorful, if you will use for cooking fresh meat, not frozen.
Sterilize cans in boiling water. Put on the bottom of each jar 1-2 Bay leaves and a few peas black pepper. Tightly place the pieces of meat. The necks of cans wrap pieces of foil, center foil, make a small hole.
Place the jar on a baking sheet in a cold oven. Then turn on the oven and heat it to 200 degrees. If you put banks in the already heated oven, they may explode.
Homemade stew will take approximately 2.5-3 hours. After the expiration of that period remove jars and preserve them sterile tin can lids.
To increase the shelf life of canned meat before rolling tin can lids, it is desirable to fill with melted fat.
Beef is not fatty meat, so beef stew, you can pour the melted lard.
But home stew pork itself was fatty. So the pork stew to fill additional fat is not required, you can just put in each jar, 2-3 small pieces of fresh – in the process of extinguishing of them will mytopics enough fat.
Chicken stew, you can pour the melted chicken fat.
Home canned meat should be stored in a cool place such as a cellar or basement. If the stew is prepared according to the rules, it can be stored for several years.