First, start with your parents – they can greatly help in finding a job. Thanks to the connections the parents can find a vacancy for your child, or just give a recommendation.
The following path is a careful study of newspaper ads. Especially carefully it is necessary to view Newspapers, which are signed by the school. Make a list of vacancies, please discuss them in the family circle. The main thing you need to pay attention to is salary, distance from place of residence, duration of working and skill requirements of the worker.
If in order to get a job, you need to create a resume, look for examples on the Internet. Also, parents should control the appearance of a teenager, because often work in the summer time involves an interview.
Sometimes utility companies offer pupils work on cleaning of territories, landscaping areas, cleaning of ponds or rivers. Such work is unlikely to appeal to every teenager, but it is guaranteed to be paid.
If the child has a rich imagination, creative thinking, it can be arranged in the local Palace of youth. Sometimes libraries need people who can gently bring the books in order.
Also it is possible to get the seller of ice cream. In this case, the child will be responsible for the product itself. In summer offers a huge variety of street cafes. Their owners even offer jobs for Teens.
The child can try yourself in the role of messenger. This work requires a good knowledge of the city, ability to orientate. On the other hand such work is well paid and has flexible hours.