You will need
  • - computer
  • phone
Conduct market research of the market in which a firm operates. If human resources are their own, if allowed by the material forces of the external research company. The main questions you must get answers: Who are the competitors? What do they offer? Why their product or service to buy your potential customers?
Decide whether it is possible somehow to Supplement consumer quality of product. To do this, follow two steps. Find them and compare the products quality of competitors. The second step is to try to combine. Thus, what you have to offer, for the target audience will be more profitable than other products on the market. But the firm that offers a highly competitive product to promote even pleasant.
Define the advertising strategy. Will you promote the firm through the media or the products are so narrowly specialized that only the actual direct mailing to end-users. It is possible to promote the firm, it makes sense to look for partners for cross-marketing cross-promotion of diverse products and services, designed for one audience. Last but not least can stand and barter is, of course, in that case, if your activities will be of interest to the owner of the advertising medium.
Develop a public relations campaign. PR differs from advertising in that it less expensive. But to promote the firm, such campaigns should be conducted as planned, and not from time to time. That's why they are usually developed immediately on a long term- say, six months or a year.
Create a strategy to promote the company on the Internet. The world wide web is one of the low cost advertising. Of course, to take it into account if the target audience of your proposed product or service is with Internet users – for example, pensioners - it is hardly reasonable.
Manufacture branding. To promote the company must provide frequent contact of the target group with your brand. A contact may be, including, visual. Don't forget the website. Internet promotion is one thing, but virtual office is another. Try to make the site informative, easy terms navigate and accessible to search engines.
Create newsworthy – option and free often flashed on pages of paper and electronic media. At least once per month publish press releases, but remember – they must be designed to arouse interest not only end consumer, but also the editors of Newspapers and magazines. From the quality of compilation releases also depends largely on how quickly you Unscrew the firm.