If you've decided to teach your child the letter, buy a notebook with wide lines, so that the child was able to place letters in all their height. Strangely enough, but children much easier
write in large letters – so visible to their entire structure. For a child valid method
comparison, since all the letters are similar, and knowing how to write one, baby easily write any
another. Do not use notebooks with narrow line – in the school the child will have the opportunity to write in them.
Another very effective method of teaching is the art cheating.
The essence is that you give your child some card with a beautifully written
letters and a notebook, pencils and say that he tried to portray what he saw. Here the main role played all sorts of colors and shades, which means that the child will be interesting to draw a simple pencil or pen. Let him do it with colored pencils or markers. It is not only to give the child gel pens – they are recommended for use only by children who can write.
To consolidate the material covered may be different, for example, to use tracing paper. This translucent paper is needed in order to circle the letter printed in the recipe, and then substitute a template, the letter that is handwritten. If you notice obvious differences, is to let the child more time to write this letter.
There is a huge variety of techniques for teaching children writing, but whatever one you choose, you should not be the task to make the child a "child Prodigy" ahead of time. Do not attempt to exert pressure on him, hammering his head large volumes of information. Do not bring a toddler to tears – learning should be a joy to him, because "my mouth" from the front of the school, it will be difficult to expect him to outstanding success in primary school. Be patient, after all, all the time.