Study at school of militia, as a rule, take mostly young people. In the list presented to the candidate requirements - excellent health, good physical preparation and to get good marks.
In order to enter Higher school the police need to start to apply to the head of the institution with a request to take it for training. Moreover, the statement must be certified by the parents of candidate students. They must also give their consent to enroll their child in Higher school of militia. Limit the time of submission of such application in the school the 1st of June.
After the application is filed, applicants have to undergo a series of entrance examinations. These include psychological testing and definition of IQ, the fitness test according to the established School standards, verification in a secondary school knowledge (candidate must either write a mini-presentation or a small essay) and medical examination. Before the medical test the applicant needs to pass a series of tests, the results of which shall provide to the medical School. This is common blood and urine tests are the main tests for AIDS and syphilis, and electrocardiogram, chest x-rays, information about vaccinations and the extract from the ambulatory card. And, of course, you will need to pass exams on General subjects. As a rule, history, Russian language and literature, foreign language.
Enroll the applicant on the decision of the admissions Committee, which will scrutinise all the documents and results of the passed entrance tests. The results of these checks and will be made a decision suitable candidate for training or not. But we should remember that the students take only the most worthy and those who really want to serve the people.