You will need
  • 30g oat flour (grind rolled oats)
  • 970мл water, 15g agar or 100g of gelatin 2 containers (pots)for cooking of the substrate and for the water bath.
  • Sterile tubes and cotton-gauze corks, the foil inoculation loop from knitting needle, wire length 100mm, curved at the end and negated)or a scalpel, germicidal lamp, glass bottles or jars with a capacity of 1 or 3l, chicken wire or cardboard for drying grain.
  • Mature fungus, 10kg of wheat, 15L of water, large capacity for cooking beans, 130g gypsum, 30g chalk.
Prepare a nutrient substrate for sowing spores. Take oatmeal, water, gelatin or agar. Soak the gelatine of the water out of the taken volume, when the swell – heat in a water bath. Oatmeal boil with the remaining water for one hour, filter. Connect oatmeal "pudding" with the gelatin (if you have agar, the "pudding" simmer until complete dissolution of agar).
Pour liquid gelatin (agar) substrate test tubes (filling 2/3 of the volume). Close with cotton-gauze plugs. Sterilize for half an hour in a water bath. After sterilization, set the test tube inclined, to thereby increase the area of the substrate, creates the so-called beveled substrate.
When the substrate is cooled down, take a Mature mushroom, inoculation loop or scalpel, cut a piece of plate sporiferous tissue and place it on the surface of the substrate. Close the cap, wrap the top with foil. Place the test tube in a dark warm (24°C) place. After two weeks the mycelium will grow into a fully prepared environment and is ready for further growth. You have prepared uterine culture of the mycelium. According to various sources, it can be stored at a temperature of +1 to+2°C from 4 to 12 months.
To move to the next stage and to obtain the grain mycelium, take one part of grain (wheat, barley) and fifteen parts of water, for example, 10 kg of grain and 15 liters of water. The grain should be boiled on low heat until soft. Time, again, according to various estimates, ranges from 15 min to 1 h. This is due to the fact that mushrooms should cook the grain longer than for oyster. Ensure that the grain is not seethe.
Dry cooked grain in any way – chicken wire mesh on a clean towel on the cardboard, you can use a room fan, - distributing layer 2 - 3 cm Add to the grain is 1.3% gypsum and 0.3% of chalk (in our example – 130 and 30 g, respectively).
Complete grain any glass containers (liter, three-liter jars)? volume, compact the substrate and make a deepening in the middle with a diameter of 2.5-3cm . Banks roll with metal lids, making pre-and hole with a diameter of 2.5 – 3 cm Plug hole with cotton-gauze plugs and put in jars to be sterilized in the oven for 2 hours at a temperature of 120°C. a Glass container smaller to stick in a tube, wrap the tube with foil on top, put in a pot of water and boil for two hours twice, with an interval of a day.
Now transplanted uterine culture on the prepared grain substrate. This critical procedure requires sterility. After cooling jars of grain to room temperature, you have to transplant uterine culture in a cereal substrate. To do this, take the tube, gently heat them over the flame to easily separate the content from the walls. Use the inoculation loop to extract the uterine mycelium. Open the tube banks with the grain and gently put the mycelium in the prepared hole. Using sterile technique, close the banks.
After sowing banks with mycelium put in a warm dark place (+24°C) until complete healing. The rate of overgrowing of grain mycelium of different types are not the same. Oyster learn new substrate for a week, and the mushrooms will need three times more time. The shelf life of the mycelium at a temperature of from +20° to +24°C - 24 hours,from+15° to+18°C, 3 days 0 to +2°C - 2 weeks -2 to 0 - 1 month.