First, when the traffic police will send all your outstanding fines the bailiffs who can forbid you to carry out any actions to register, pass tech inspection machines, or limit travel abroad.
Secondly, if you are stopped by the employee of GAI, and you will have newplace fine, which is already overdue from 40 to 70 days, you can prosecute (arrest for 15 days), or asked to pay a fine of twice the size.
Before to know about their fines could only be in the office of the traffic police – to either come himself, or to call the operator. Now many people have the opportunity to view your outstanding fines right at home with the help of SMS or via the Internet.
It should be noted that while this information on fines is available to citizens who are registered on the territory of six regions: Voronezh oblast, Voronezh oblast, Tula oblast, Stavropol Krai, Krasnodar Krai and Republic of Adygeya.
To view your fines you will have to log on to the web site "My fines". There is a possibility to find data or exact a penalty by entering the number of the issued decision, or to see all of the fines of a particular driver by entering the number of machines and the number of driver's license.
But all the fines your neighbour to learn will not work, because in addition to the state numbers of the car, you will have to learn and ID number of the driver.
Also drivers have the opportunity to directly from online to print a receipt for payment of the fine in the Bank.
Learn the penalties of traffic police and using the SMS. This requires to send a message to the room 9112 traffic Police to number your vehicle number the driver's license. When using services for each unpaid fine will be charged for five rubles.