Completely dried garlic in the apartment when the batteries or the heater head must be put in a glass three-liter banks. Such dishes are, of course, should be in the Arsenal of any gardener-gardener. Each jar should be filled with heads of garlicand about two-thirds. In addition to the garlicand banks must be expanded, and small bags of salt. Then the containers must be firmly closed with plastic caps. All banks with garlicω it is desirable to remove in a cool place. Very lucky in this case, the gardeners-gardeners in the house which has a cellar.
Keep garlic in winter and other method. In the late autumn of his head must be wrapped in plastic bags, tied them and wrapped up in several layers of newspaper. Then, the convolution needs to be dug on the site. With the onset of cold weather these secluded places where the buried garlic, need to cover the tomato, carrot or potato topper. The disadvantage of this method of storing garlicand that dig it will be possible only in spring, after the snow melts.
The bottom is an ordinary mailbox with holes should be covered with layer of salt. It should gently lay the head of garlic. Top they also need to fill with salt. Then again to put several heads of garlic. And so to the top of the box. People who use this method of storing garlicand argued that the product under such conditions remains juicy until spring.
When storing garlicand the kitchen, at room temperature, in any case can not pack it in plastic, otherwise it can suffocate and rot. It is better to store the garlic in a thick cloth sack and covered it with dry onion skin, wood ashes or dry sawdust.
Keep the garlic in the winter can Paramonov it into garlic powder. For this, the cloves of garlicand the need to clean, wash, cut into thin slices, dry thoroughly and grind. This garlic powder is very handy to use as a condiment to any dish.
And you can store garlic in the winter in the oil. Peeled cloves of garlicand should be placed in three-liter jar, cover them with oil and close the plastic cover, done in advance, holes. A jar of garlicohms should be kept in the fridge. Thus, garlic is always ready for use. In addition, the oil in which the product is stored will also acquire a nice garlic taste.