There are seven notes: do, re, mi, FA, Sol, La and si. However, it sounds much more so that where one ends the sequence of seven notes (octave), immediately begins another. For example, after the si of the first octave to the second octave.
The notes are on a stave (staves), consisting of five lines. The left is always the sign of a key, most often the violin or bass. The treble clef indicates that the note on the second line (the line considered below) Sol of the first octave. Bass clef is reported that the note on the fourth line of the f – minor octaves.
Other notes are on key in the following way: in the treble clef the second line is FA of the first octave under it, on the first line of the mi, even lower – re, and on the first extension line (a short line below the bottom line). On the second line is La, on it, on a third line C and on the third line to the second octave, etc. the location of the notes in the bass key is calculated in the same way.
The color and shape of the note icon indicates its duration. The light circle indicates so-called a whole note note with the longest duration. Bright circle with a vertical stick, half note, half as long as it is intact. A dark circle with a vertical stick, a quarter note, it is two times shorter half. If on a vertical stick, there is one "tail" - before you the eighth note. Its duration is half the duration of a quarter or 1/8 of the whole. Two "tail" on the vertical stick " is the sixteenth note. It is twice shorter than the eighth.
These basic knowledge will be enough to play simple pieces of music. However, for more advanced music you will need knowledge of special signs (flat, sharp, and Bekar), and notation of pauses of different durations. These and other information can be obtained from the practical guide to musical notation G. Friedkin or any other textbook for beginners.