You will need
  • The desire to pass the exam on the Russian language.
The most simple and reliable, time-tested way of passing the exam on the Russian language is a thorough preparation for it. Right if you throughout his school life excelled in the study of this subject. But what if before the exam a few days left, but you're totally not ready? Here it is necessary to formulate a set of basic rules and try to remember them at least. It is clear that the "excellent" pass the exam with such knowledge will come. However, it is possible that "good" or "satisfactory" you will pass.
To help pass the exam on the Russian language and tutoring. In this case we strongly recommend you not to pay in advance, and to agree about paying for the end result. So, for example, agree with the teacher that you pay for only the classes that led to the exam well. To be sure, with such motivation, the tutor will make every effort to work with you was successful and productive.
In order to teach extra material and did not score his head with unnecessary information before exams, we recommend you to learn only the exam answers. Remember, the ticket with the answers to the questions often appear long before the start of the exam. This means that in order to successfully pass the exam on the Russian language, you need to have to read a lot of books, but only one and very carefully.