Try to know the number location of caller, contact your mobile operator. Tell me your surname, name and patronymic, then the data on the person you want to find, and the room. The operator will help you find out where the user is located, stating his approximate location. It should be remembered that the coordinates provided may be inaccurate. It will have to wait until the operator sends a request to the person you are looking for a solution to this procedure. This method of determining the subscriber's location is almost not used. Typically, subscribers are provided with the opportunity to learn the location of the person in the room by activating the service via the short number.
If you are a customer of the operator "Beeline", you can activate the service through your personal account on the company website. To find the number location in the text of the SMS message, type the letter L and send it to short number 684. The service will cost in the range of 2 rubles.
Subscribers of the operator "MTS" also have the opportunity to learn the location of the person in the room thanks to the special service "Locator". To activate it, send SMS-message to short number 6677, putting the mobile phone number of the person you want to find. He, in turn, must also consent to a search, otherwise you will not be able to obtain the coordinates of the location of his mobile phone. In accordance with your rate account will be debited with the amount of from ten to fifteen rubles.
Users of the operator "MegaFon" can know the location by phone number in several different ways. Its subscribers, the company provides easy USSD: simply dial *148* subscriber's number#, be sure putting it through the international format beginning with "+7". Learn the room location and on 0888, through which you will be able to contact the operator and make a request for a search. Finally, the subscribers of the "MegaFon" can just go to the website and to obtain the necessary information about the location of the person in the appropriate section.