You will need
  • A computer, a printer, the program "Mail envelope"
To get started, download to your computer convenient program to print envelopes. Download it better from official site, there's definitely no viruses and no registration needed:
The download will only take a couple of minutes, after which the utility can be installed. Create a shortcut on the desktop to always have quick access to the program. After installation is complete, run the program and start working in it.
Now let's see how to make an envelope with his own hands in the program "Mail envelope". In the main menu, select "Address book" and click "Add". This opens a special form, which you have to fill. Namely to enter the addresses of the sender and recipient to send the envelope in the right direction. Carefully check all filled information and click "Save".
Next, go to the tab "Envelopes". It presents numerous patterns of envelopes Russian and European samples, such as DL, C6, C5, C4 and B4. If you want to do the envelope with your hands without using ready-made templates, go to the next step of this guide.
So you can think and implement your own design. To do this, select "Create". Change the background color, add labels, images and even logos. Logo – a distinctive brand name of any company. Just find it in your computer and load into the editor.
As you can see, to make the envelope with his own hands is not difficult. We can only print the number of created envelopes. Select "Address book" > "Print envelope". Select a template of the format that you want. Check the settings on your printer. The aspect ratio of the net form ought to fit the selected template. If everything is configured correctly and the sizes match, click the "Print envelope".