So popular arugula required a combination of exquisite taste and a whole set of useful properties. First and foremost, this plant is famous for its rich vitamin composition: arugula contains high content of vitamin C and a whole range of useful essential oils. Regular use of rocket allows you to bring order to the immune system, improve vascular strength and solve the problems with seasonal fatigue.

Arugula is recommended as a component in the fight against cancer. Doctors and nutritionists this property is almost the main advantage of the plant. Indeed, in addition to the nutritional effects on the body, arugula has strong therapeutic properties.

Doctors recommend to include a salad in the daily diet of people with high content of cholesterol in the blood, and also suffering from overweight. Like all foods with a sour taste, the plant helps fight fat deposits, but this will have arugula in large enough quantities. The plant also contributes to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Arugula is useful for people suffering from gastritis and recurrent pain in the stomach.

However, nutritionists warn that excessive consumption of arugula in its pure form can cause the opposite effect and exacerbate the incipient gastritis. It is therefore recommended to include arugula in the diet as components of salads, first and second courses. It is best to combine the arugula with the traditional components of vegetable salads: tomato, cucumber, bell pepper. During heat treatment plant, though loses some of the natural ingredients, but also positively promotes digestion. The arugula gives a spicy taste to the dish.

Arugula is also a powerful aphrodisiac that one should take note of any good hostess. Tonic effect have not only the fresh shoots of arugula, but the dried preform, which can easily replace traditional herbs in the entrees.
Dry the arugula can be your own. This requires the flush shoots of the plant and cutting off about 1 cm from the stem and finely chop the leaves. After dry at a low temperature in the oven, allow to cool at room temperature, then pour into heavy plastic or tin container. For salads suitable salt harvesting. For this arugula sinquede more coarsely, and then sprinkled with salt in the proportion of 1 tbsp of salt per 100 grams of the plant, and then filled in a tight glass container. Since the preform can be stored for up to one year.