Multifunction cavitation procedure

Mikhailova Tamara

We all with age does not become more beautiful, and want to look decent. Friend told about this procedure, cavitation, reviews, read everything, and I wanted to try. The cavitation was done in conjunction with therapy, and after the first treatment has lost 4 kg. I Want to repeat the procedure after a while. And recently learned that using cavitation to get rid of your kidney stones. Is it true?

The effect is


I exercise regularly and eat properly and because of this, I have a good figure. But to get rid of cellulite I can't by any means! Accidentally got on the distribution of discount coupons at the cavitation. Heard a lot about this procedure but didn't believe, and it's expensive too. And with a good discount, why not? Have already done 3 treatments - the effect is. I'm happy with. I will not dwell on it.

Cavitation from excess weight


Cavitation helps to get rid of unwanted fat. Cavitation using ultrasound to treat cellulite. Together with Cavitation jointly carried out other procedures for fast results. But the procedure cavitation appeared recently and not yet entirely understood. So to use it with caution. Diabetes, diseases of the immune system, hepatitis, osteoporosis cavitation protivopakazano. Cavitation is very similar to liposuction.

My elastic pride - the result of cavitation


Wanted to achieve a result like the Babes of Baywatch - elastic buttocks, which is not ashamed to show on the beach. And photoshoot was planned on the theme of relaxation on your honeymoon. Time was short, and I was advised by a very efficient procedure for slimming - cavitation. Spent, of course, but the result was achieved in 5 sessions during the month. The pictures turned out just super!.

It is an expensive procedure

Kira Somov

I recovered after giving birth to 30kg, and the doctors I diagnosed with obesity. Diets do not help, nor could I apply each diet, after all, continued to breast-feed. And now put the kid to artificial feeding, and the doctor suggest to do a procedure called cavitation, reviews not found. Spent only one treatment, significant results there, but the doctors say once, it is very small. The procedure is expensive, but the results will stop.

How I lost the weight by the summer


Before the beach season this year decided to remove the extra inches in the waist and stomach. Turned to the method of cavitation, not to torment themselves debilitating diet and in fitness walking no. Yes, expensive, but I have achieved the desired result - minus 5 cm waist, hips minus 6 see Husband called me the Queen of the beach - it is the best proof of the effectiveness of the procedure?!

Expensive, but effective


The beautician advised me to try to get rid of fat deposits on hips and breeches by the method of cavitation - supposedly this is the same as liposuction, but without surgical intervention. Decided to try, despite the high cost. It took me 8 treatments to see significant improvement - hips decreased by 4 cm each. Very satisfied. Spent almost 25000 p plus cream and wraps in addition to cavitation.

As I removed the belly


After birth remained the tummy, which I was advised to remove by a method of non-surgical lipo - cavitation. The word at first seemed intimidating, but when the doctor explained the physiology of the process, I finally agreed. Did 5 sessions at a discount - came in just 15000 RUB. no more Belly! The effect, as promised, will be long - it is only necessary every six months to consolidate the result.

Cavitation for and against


Especially after giving birth, young mothers concerned about the extra weight and changed not to the best figure. What you would recommend? A new, fashionable solution to the problem of ultrasonic liposuction or cavitation just. The advantages include the lack of surgical intervention and, accordingly, no scars and anaesthetization. The procedure is quite pleasant. To the negative sides of the cost and effect after the procedure is achieved in a week. But you need to drink a lot of water and not to consume alcohol. But the beauty demands victims.Therefore, those who appreciate beauty, is willing to endure for her not only physically, but financially I recommend to try the cavitation.