Pectin is extracted from plant material unchanged, it retains all the physiological properties and beneficial effects on human health. The main function of pectins is to stabilise the metabolism and reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in blood, improves peristalsis of the bowels and peripheral circulation. But the most valuable feature of pectin is its ability to clean a living organism from harmful substances.

In food industry pectin is in liquid form and in powder form. Both these forms are practically interchangeable in recipes. From the form of pectin depends on the rule of mixing certain products: liquid pectin can be added to hot and welded product, the powder mixes well with cold juice or fresh fruit. The pectin in powdered form has a broader scope of uses and applications.

Pectin is used as the structure - and of gelling agent in the production of marmalades, confectionery, pastes, marmalades, jams, jellies, juices, fruit drinks, yoghurt, mayonnaise and other dairy, fat and oil products. The pectin in its purest form differs from the polysaccharides by the fact that it is neutral and when used creates energy reserves in the human body.

Home cooking jams and jellies with added pectin requires less time and gives a large number of the finished product. Such blanks have a rich fruity aroma and taste, besides, no need to check hot product on the ability and degree of solidification. Unripe fruits contain more pectin, so jams and jellies made without pectin must contain about a quarter of unripe berries and fruits. For workpieces with added pectin, you can use fully ripe fruit.