Otitis media is an inflammatory process in the ear, and can be diffuse, limited or average form. Limited otitis media occurs due to the inflammation of the sebaceous glands – abrasions due to mechanical damage. That is, picking a hairpin or cotton swab in the ears, you can get this trouble in the form of inflammation. The disease can occur on the background of gout, weakened immune system, diabetes, vitamin deficiency and other disorders. Inflammation occurs due to the annexation of staph infection.

Severe pain in the ear can be caused by other inflammatory diseases (of the jaw, tonsils, sinuses). Often the pain appears for burns, hypothermia and frostbite. For example, gusts of wind can even cause the formation of bruises in the ear. The bruise increases in size, becomes dark in color and sore.

If the patient complains of severe pain in the ears, the doctor may suspect the presence of periodontitis inflammatory process in the tissues that cover the cartilage. Pain in children's ears can be associated with the penetration of any object into the ear canal. In this case, you should contact the ENT doctor to retrieve the foreign object.

Acute inflammation of the outer ear Department is a frequent cause of disease of the ears. If they get sick after swimming in the pond – perhaps in the auditory organ got dirty water. In this situation, the pain may be minor and increase when moving the jaws. In medical slang, there is the concept of "swimmer's ear". This is an ongoing process in those people who have regular contact with water. The reason is that under the influence of moisture and heat as well as regular exposure to water, the skin in the ear softens and swells. Inside the tissue is easier to penetrate the infectious organisms – bacteria.

Every person formation of earwax. This substance protects the ears from infection. However, excessive amount of earwax can be a serious problem and the cause of pain in the ear. Appear liquid discharge, and reduced hearing. A doctor prescribes drops that soften the wax and make it out. If they did not help, the physician cleans the ear canal by pumping the liquid to a large syringe.