The choice of University and faculty with a specialty is not so simple. You need to consider a number of details concerning not only your interests and abilities, and the economic and political situation in the world, country and your region. Of course, to master the analysis of data in seventeen years very difficult, so before choosing Institute, try to perform a few basic points.

Your interests

The pursuit of large salaries leads to the fact that by the end of the first year students realize they made a mistake in choosing a specialty. First and foremost, your future job should be of interest to you. Try to imagine yourself in a particular area, think about where you like, what would you like to do. For example, if you are interested in communicating with people, the profession of electrical engineering you will not do. In this case, it is better to go to a Manager or specialist in public relations. If you are a child interested in books, love to read, watch books and know most of the great minds of literature, your way is the faculty. It is important that the learning process you took and was not allowed to be distracted by unnecessary things like parties till the morning and alcohol consumption. Putting a precise goal, it is easier to achieve.

The relevance of the profession

The following choices for the place of study - familiarity with labour market trends and the region's economy. They will tell you what kind of professionals needed by society, in whom is felt at a considerable disadvantage. It is important to understand that the shortage has come to an end after two or three years and learn you have five. So it is better to examine the forecasts of economists who will tell you the situation in the world in the next five to ten years, of which you will know what specialists are in demand.

If both options do not work, there is a solution: act on the profession, which is characterized as "common". Simply select orientation, for example, humanitarian, economic or any other. So you can in the process of education to understand what you want actually, and already in the third year to enroll in the correspondence or evening Department of the same specialty in which you see yourself in the future. Two higher education does not harm anyone else.

In addition to the choice of profession, no less important is the choice of place of study. Considering the universities, look at the faculty, grants, material-technical base. It is advisable to talk with alumni or students, learn about all of the pros and cons of the University.