To reduce the muscle spasm that result from a long stay in an uncomfortable position, be sure to take a comfortable position, swipe a light kneading massage, try to relax stiff muscles.

Pinch the sore spot, RUB the leg with ointment or warm mustard oil massage. As prevention, do a massage every day, in addition, it is useful to RUB the soles of the feet with lemon juice in the morning (the course of treatment 2 weeks).

Try to perform a set of exercises. Lying on your back, stretch your arms and legs. Without lifting the heel from the bed, pull your right leg as far as possible, hold the tension for 5 seconds. Repeat with the left foot, then both feet at once. Repeat at least 5 times.

In a public place, do another exercise: raise up on your toes, lifting his heels from the floor, sharply descend. Repeat 10 times. Either stand on your heels and try to balance for 10 seconds, repeat 5-6 times.

The following exercises can be done both while sitting and standing. Crossed feet and lean on the outer edge, hold the position for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times. Very effective is also simple flexion-extension of toes for several minutes.

Extend your legs in front of him and slowly over 3 minutes rotate the feet. Then raise and lower the toes without lifting your heel from the floor. Try to stick to a fairly quick pace.

To cramps disturb you as little as possible, try to fill the lack of potassium and calcium. To do this, regularly eat cheese, beans, hard cheese, dried apricots, bananas and apples. In addition, once or twice a year, you can take vitamins on the advice of a doctor. Reduce the number of cigarettes smoked, drinking less coffee, you should not eat large amounts of sugar.

Seizures may be caused by serious diseases, such as varicose veins, hidden trauma, brain tumor, epilepsy, spasmophilia, eclampsia, inflammatory or infectious diseases. Therefore, if leg cramps recur often enough - be sure to consult a doctor (neurologist, phlebology, endocrinology). Caused by the disease, they will disappear only after treatment of the underlying disease.