Define hypothesis. It contains the condition of implementation of legal norms. This can be, for example, the characteristic of subject of the offense, such as age and sanity. Please read the article of the law and highlight those data, the presence of which it is possible to apply it. Keep in mind that the type of hypotheses are divided into specific and General. An example of a specific hypothesis can be that which establishes individual conditions of the law. If the rule of law, which you consider, are the circumstances in which the criminal case is terminated, this is a specific hypothesis. It is also called casuistic. In contrast, General or abstract hypothesis does not allocate special conditions, and gives effect to the rule of law in the common characteristics.
Continue to search for disposition. It directly formulates the rule of conduct that is lawful, and also reveals signs of improper behavior. If you study the article refers to civil law, most likely, in the disposition will be described the principles of lawful behavior. On the contrary, the articles of the criminal code you will see a list of signs of prohibited actions. Examine the kinds of dispositions: simple, descriptive, and referential blanket. The first disposition includes a direct description of acts without his signs, because it is implied that they are obvious. The article with a descriptive disposition disclosed all the mandatory features of the behavior. A reference to another law contains referential disposition. Blanket offers to go have another normative act. Do not forget not only to select a disposition, but also to specify its type.
Find sanction. It includes all legal consequences, both negative, and positive. The sanction can be formulated as the and punishment, but also as a promotional measure.