You will need
  • Car
In order to turn on the high light , the VAZ, you must first enable the Parking lights and the middle light. Click on the buttons located on the instrument panel to the right or to the left of the steering wheel. These buttons are marked by graphic symbols. First, turn on the Parking lights, then the middle light. After the procedure proceed to the direct inclusion of far light. This is done with a lever located on the right side of the steering wheel. Pull the lever to the windshield until it clicks, and the far light turned on.
On cars of foreign production, all procedures are performed on one arm. Cars with the right wheel is the lever on the right, the "left-handed" lever to the left. Marker lights and the middle light are activated by turning the tip at the end of the lever. The rotation is performed in the direction of the windshield at the top of the arc. The far light turns on in the same way as on the cars of Russian production. Pull the lever towards the windscreen to the cheek.
Of course, the far light is good for visibility on the road. But sometimes in order to avoid traffic accidents, a distant light should be off. Such a case is the appearance on the track of the oncoming cars. Too bright light can blind the driver, which will lead to irreversible consequences.