Just call the master if there is no desire to do this procedure yourself. Generally, all companies engaged in the installation Windows, and provide this service including.
Unlike the installation of Windows, no need to sign up and get in the queue, as often happens with the installation of the window frames. Specialist will work on the day of challenge, and this will take him no more than twenty minutes.
Choose your mesh, if you have decided to set the grid, and buy it. Make sure that the grid exactly fits your window frame if the grid is big or small, there is a chance that you will one day lose her.
Prepare the sill to be installed, and "high-rise". You do not need any special equipment (except a screwdriver), but best of all ask someone to follow you - emergency situations are always.
Fully open the windowand, if possible, altogether to remove it. The most simple of meshes are simply attached to the frame by Velcro, clips or rope fasteners. Install on the outside of the window frame grid depending on your model of attachment. In some cases, it may be screwed (just here and need a screwdriver) attached to the fasteners. In this case the installation will take 10 minutes more, but still this process is so complex.