Psychic attack occurs through the evil eye. Sparring in transportation, household conflict, quarrel with an employee can provoke a reaction of "damn!". By the way, there is the less known phenomenon of "selfof the evil eye", when their own negative thoughts and emotions, chronic depression take a man of great energy. Of course, it is possible to diagnose the presence of the evil eye and to get rid of it. But, as in the case of diseases, the evil eye, it is better not to treat and to prevent.
Unlike damage, the evil eye can cause without the help of "black magic." It is believed that "glassimage" a person can be identified by appearance. For example, in Russia the signs of such a person was considered brilliant dark eyes, especially in combination with fused eyebrows, and squint. But in Mediterranean countries the sign of a person that can jinx was considered blue eyes. By the way, so as amulets against the evil eye used blue beads in the shape of the eye. However, not necessarily the people with these signs are the people who can jinx it. There is still another expression, "evil eye", and by this name it is clear that jinx can a person with evil thoughts, negative emotions such as envy, anger, anger. Possible such people should avoid or reduce contact with such people to a minimum. When dealing with such people try to avoid the gaze, especially if your energy tone is weakened.
If you are in a crowded place (transport, shop, etc.) and feel around a lot of negative emotions, you need to film your bio, adopting a closed posture to close and cross hands and feet. However, not all situations appropriate looks crossed posture and a reserved look. In this case, we can close the contours of the biofield, simply closed their thumb and index fingers of both hands.
To protect yourself from evil eye by using various methods of energy protection. One of the simple techniques of "mirroring": you need to imagine yourself immune from other people's mirror shell dome with an outward facing mirror side. Then all the negative impacts that are addressed to you, come back to him who sent them.
Effective protection from the evil eye could also be a conspiracy from damage and the evil eye or the prayer of the guardian angel.
A conspiracy from the "evil eye": "Michael the Archangel, protect and have mercy from the black eyes, grey eyes, brown eyes, blue eyes and white, with joyful eyes, envious eyes, save and have mercy, Michael, the Archangel."
A conspiracy from the "evil eye": "Michael the Archangel, protect and have mercy from the black eyes, grey eyes, brown eyes, blue eyes and white, with joyful eyes, envious eyes, save and have mercy, Michael, the Archangel."
The most common in the people protection from the evil eye is, of course, wearing clothing inside plain English pin. The inside top of the clothes pin the pin point downward, it is desirable to stand it in the Eastern corner of the house for three days or days for the icon. A pin, having the form of an ellipse closes your aura from outside negative energies and mimics them. As a means of protection on his left wrist you can tie a red woolen thread. Or you can carry a small round mirror. The mirror should be kept in a pocket outside mirror surface to reflect negative energy.
For protection from the evil eye , you can use the items of power - a protective amulet, talisman or amulet. The protective properties of your talisman repeatedly will increase if you charge it. Another important condition: your talisman or amulet in any case not someone to give up, it is also desirable to mention it in conversation.
If you felt someone else's negative effects, you need to take a warm shower to wash off the adhering water and energy "dirt". If that doesn't work, try to remove the evil eye yourself, or consult a psychic.
If you have at home has been unpleasant to you people, immediately after they left, mopping the floor and preferably clean the house from negative energy. Also in the house can have amulets: for example, a horseshoe over the door, or dried stems of Hypericum under the threshold or over the door. Need to sweep the floor from the threshold to the middle of the house, not to "sweep away the dirty linen in public". Also, keep in mind the sharps and knives and forks tip up - you can bring aggression and anger.
Evil eye damage and "cling" to people with a weakened aura, and weak in moral and ethical terms. Therefore it is necessary not only to protect his aura, but to be able to recharge with positive energy, and most importantly - to grow spiritually. Giving others sincere thoughts,feelings, actions, you attract light and good.
It is important to understand that not all their problems, misfortunes and failures to explain the evil eye. All problems should be sought first in itself.