The calculation of vacation payment is carried out based on the article No. 139 of the Labour code. However, if someone wants to know in advance how much it will pay vacation, he can do himself. How can you consider selling yourself?

For a start, calculate how much you have received over the last twelve months, then this number divide by the number of months in year (12), and then again divide by the average number of days per month (equivalent to 29.4 days). The resulting number multiply by the number of vacation days, and you will receive the amount of vacation pay that you are entitled to under the law.

For clarity, how exactly to consider vacation to give a small example.

Let's say you make $ 10 000 a month. The first four months you were paid 7000 rubles. It turns out that over the past 12 months you received: 7000*4+10000*8 = 108 000 rubles. This amount is divided first by 12 and then 29,4: 108 000 : 12 : 29,4 = 306,12. That is, your average salary per day - 306 rubles 12 kopecks. Now this number multiply by 28 days ' holiday (for most employees). Have 306,12*28 = 8571,36 . Total, you need to 8571 ruble 36 kopecks.

If the last month was not worked out until the end, vacation over the past 12 months are calculated as follows: 11 months multiplied by 29.4 (the average number of days in the month), and the number of days that were worked out last month by 1.4. The resulting works are summed, and the sum is divided by the earnings last less than 12 months then came a number is multiplied by the number of holiday days.

For example, if the employee in the last 12 months received 100 000, however up to 12 working months is not enough 20 days, that is, he worked 11 months and 10 days, his salary is calculated: 100 000 : (11*29,4+10*1,4)*28 = 8298,75, that is, he will get 8 298 rubles and 75 kopecks.

And last, we need to remember that the above calculations take into account only the income that accrued to the employee during the course of their employment; dividends, financial aid, loans, which in these months was assessed in a salary employee, do not count.