You will need
  • The aquarium water and included instructions.
Before landing in new aquarium plants and fish should be prepared not only waterbut also the aquarium itself. Frame aquarium is washed thoroughly with warm room temperature water with baking soda or soap. Then fill it with water at room temperature, depending on the putty for a period of two to three to ten days. After two or three days repeat the procedure. Water should be changed two or three times, until no longer smell of paint.
All-glass aquariums from organic glass washed with warm water with salt or 5% solution of acetic or hydrochloric acid. Then they again washed with warm water.
When filling a new aquarium , remember that it is first filled with water to half, and after two or three days topped up the water to the upper edge of the remained 4-8cm. thus pressure on the glass of the aquarium is increased gradually, and they do not burst.
Filling with water a small aquarium, under a stream should expose a wide plate, a hand, a piece of plywood, a sheet of cardboard so as not to erode the soil.
A large aquarium it is better to fill through the hose. In this case the water should fall on a deep plate, put another plate, standing upside down on the ground.
Sometimes aquarists fill the tank with water immediately after planting and not before. In this case, when filling the aquarium with water you will have to use a funnel with a reflective plate.
For aquarium you need to find a coating (usually a thick glass). It will protect it from dust, will not allow the fish to jump out, will prevent too rapid cooling and evaporation of water. If indoor air is too dry, the aquarium can be used for moisture. In this case, the aquarium can not cover, but you need to reduce the water level, so that the fish could not to jump out of it.
For the inflow of air into the aquarium and to protect against rust steel frame coating is placed not on the walls of the aquarium, and a small stand with a height of 5-15mm. It can be pieces of eraser strips organic glass, clips made of non-oxidizable metal. But the aquarium, which contains fish, well able to jump or climb on the wall through the slot, must be firmly laid.
How to make an aquarium beautiful.
The design of an internal part of the aquarium should be close to the natural habitat of fish, since we usually create the aquarium to have in the apartment area of nature. Sometimes you can see simulating a flooded city blocks of marble or of divers, from helmets which beat the air bubbles, but it is possible to allow only child in the nursery.
The aquarium is not for children should look as easy as possible on the outside and bright, but of course inside. All equipment and technical devices, it is desirable to hide. Generally, choosing decorations for the aquarium, you need to aim first, to recreate the natural pattern, emphasizing only the beauty of the main inhabitants of the aquarium fish and plants.
Looks good soil, located by the stairs, and sprawling in the water, the sand can be reinforced with stones or hidden behind strips of glass.
Trays with flowers set along the back wall, create a good background. They can be placed steps ahead to plant low plants, and behind them high.
Another possible embodiment of a multi-tiered plant: low plants are planted in front, and large rear and sides. For fans of asymmetry it is possible to offer to put in front, almost at the front window, some kind of large plant in the middle or on the side to put a rock or a snag, while around the aquarium and let them grow plants of different sizes. When choosing remember that different plants require different lighting. Plants with similar requirements can be grouped on different levels and equipped terraces (steps), which are usually made of wood and stones. In the overall composition of your aquarium must be one or more eye-catching bright spots. Other decorative should not be evident, it is better to place in the background.
Sometimes the overall picture of the aquarium only has one eye-catching element. It should be a lush Bush plants, for example sagittarii Japanese or crypts. He needs to be seated slightly away from the centre of the aquariumso as not to create unpleasant to the eye symmetry, but also make room for feeding. Then the edges will look good plants with ribbon-like leaves, Vallisneria normal or branching canadian and peristaltika that are growing and creating a frame in the background. Multiple bushes, not cluttering up the middle of the aquarium and foreground, you can position Isoetes, spiralling Vallisneria, Marsilio; the soil should always have a pitch to the deepest place in a free, nesasanai part of the aquarium, where it will meet the dirt. On the surface of the water well to let riccia, Salvinia, and a few bushes the water cabbage or lyagushatnik.
If you stand near two or three of the aquarium, when planting you need to think not only about the creation of the underwater landscape in each of them, but also on the General impression produced by a living area as a whole.
The greatest charms reaches underwater picture, of course, only when the plants begin to grow: oriented towards the light leaves, branches, occupying most brightly lit place, give the aquarium landscape more natural.
For the reconstruction of the river landscape use rounded rocks to simulate rocks - flat stones of irregular shape, pieces without sharp edges. In aquariumx with digging the soil with fish large stones serving as a basis for high terraces, placed directly on the bottom, they are sometimes glued with epoxy or cement.
The stones, intended for the aquariumshould not contain metals and calcium salts. It is best to use stones of basaltic origin, as well as granite and some types of Sandstone. If the chemical composition of the stone is suspicious, it can be treated with hydrochloric acid, and gravel.
Look beautiful in an aquarium the roots and branches of trees. For decoration you can use driftwood, which has long lain in running water or peat bogs. The best species are alder and willow. Cannot be placed in the aquarium rotting tree that had lain some time under a layer of silt. The living wood. Roots or branches, even if they long time were in running water, before placing in the aquarium should boil in a saturated solution of salt. This treatment disinfects the wood and seals its structure - boiled driftwood become dense, heavy and sink in water.
To design a tropical aquarium , you can use the coconut shells, bamboo and cane.
In aquariumx for twilight, night or territorial species of fish you should make a shelter for each fish. On the ground put snags (again, alder or willow); a separate or folded in the form of caves, grottoes, large stones covered with sand, gravel, rocks or driftwood trimming clay pipes or pots.
At the period of spawning in the aquarium, be sure to create shelter or substrate for calf. It can be lying on the side of flower pots, coconut shells, pottery, scraps of glass, synthetic tubes, fibers, tiles, etc. But these items should not have sharp corners and emit harmful substances in the water.
In the cage for the label on the fry females of viviparous species of fish you should put a piece of glass. He should be hanging slanted on aluminum or galvanized steel wire so that its side edges adjacent to the walls of the aquarium, and the bottom had a gap of 3-4 mm through which the fry would be able to fall down.
Not often and even more to completely change the water in the aquarium. For most species of tropical fish water , you can simply refresh, and this is done not more often than once in seven to ten days.
This rubber hose from the bottom of the aquarium suctioned debris and uneaten food, is poured no more than 1/3, and best of 1/5 of the total volume of water, adding water with the same characteristics as the water in the aquarium. Fresh water should add in small portions, gradually.
In cold-water aquariums when podlivaniem the water to heat up should not be. For warm-water aquariums it is best to use water 1-2 degrees warmer than the water of the aquarium.
Partial change of water is in violation of the oxygen regime (if the fish suffocate), when cleaning the bottom of glasses. But you should try to minimize even a partial water change. When water change or cleaning of the aquarium fish you want to catch.
A complete change of water is an extreme measure and should be performed in exceptional cases: when the disease and death of fish, the appearance of parasitic microorganisms, etc. After a complete change of water biological balance should be established again. While well-established stable mode water might not change over the years.