Decide on the choice of the insurance company, whose services you want to use.
Prepare all the necessary documents (passport, birth certificate for child, pension certificate for pensioners.
Prepare all the necessary documents (passport, birth certificate for child, pension certificate for pensioners.
Apply your chosen health insurance company or territorial Fund, and for the working population need to apply at the place of work in the personnel Department and indicate which insurance company you prefer.
Get in the same day, the policy of obligatory medical insurance or the provisional certificate which are defined by the rules of compulsory medical insurance.
Remember, to change insurance company, you can only once a year, but not later than 1 November of the current year. However, there are instances when a change of company can be carry out often, for example, in the medical insurance policy of an error in the date of birth or place of birth, and if the policy is inoperable or in case of moving to another region of Russia.