Dampen the stain with white spirit, then wipe with a cloth and thoroughly wash hands using soap. Can use petrol, kerosene or acetone for polar sensitive tissues. This method is good for stain removal from fabric.
If you are afraid to ruin the leather thing, use to remove stains sunflower or olive oil. Also suitable fatty cream. After the paint speck was able to scrub, clean the thing with soap and water. And then with a clean cloth.
The spots of gouache and watercolor paints, remove as follows. First, carefully wash the thing, then apply any stain remover to the stain and re-wash clothing.
If you splattered clothes latex paint, soak the thing in a strong solution of the powder with water for 30 minutes, the water temperature should be 40-50 degrees. Wash thing hands and rinse thoroughly in clean water.
If you have the paint not coming out with clothes then use the combined method. Wipe the stain with gasoline, then apply stain remover and wash the thing in the usual way, using the powder. Look at the area where the paint was, if was barely visible trace, then apply the stain again with the subsequent washing of the product.