You will need
  • computer, image, Wallpaper or photo
On the working desktop of your computer click the right mouse button and in context menu select "Properties".
In the new window "Properties: the Screen" standard tab "Themes". Click on the tab "desktop" (tabs are located at the top of the window).
In the section "Background pattern" is represented by standard pictures for your desktop background. Click on any of them and look at how it appears in the example. To upload your photos or other images, click the "Browse" button and search on your computer. Then click the "Open" button. You can adjust the picture position: center, tile (the size of the image is saved, the entire desktop filled with lots of pictures), stretch (the image size is enlarged and stretched to the edges of the monitor may change the proportions, and appear strong distortion). If the picture came up, click the "Apply" button and then "OK" (sequence is important).
Alternative method. If you find on your computer the appropriate picture, then you can open it, click right on it, right-click and choose "Make desktop background". Return to the desktop and check the results.