If you do decide to confess his love , looking in eyes, you should not do it publicly, at a large gathering of people, because recognition is very personal. And fragile sprout response of feelings can be destroyed if someone decides to laugh at your pair.
It is not necessary to confess in love, if he has a bad mood, or he is very busy in some business, you can make him angry just to distract, and no matter what he probably also likes you, the moment will be ruined.
You can invite him for a walk or to request a meeting under any pretext, to utter the cherished three words.
Unable to confess his love on the Internet, sending a postcard with a Declaration of love . In this case it is better to write without mentioning him by name. If he's too shy to confess, you will be happy and if indifferent, you can say that that message was intended for another boy.
The shy girls are recognized to love, tossing an anonymous note to a boy. But he can't find out who wrote it, or push it to another girl. Better still sign the tender letter.
To say "I love you!" - in ordinary conversation, for example, asking to help you with preparing for tests. Don't be upset if he refused. Just tell me what I wanted to check how would react to such a confession the guy who you really like, and now you're just rehearsed.