The most accurate way to identify the font of the website is to look at the CSS properties. Modern browsers have special tools, greatly facilitates this task.
To view the font in the Firefox browser, click on the desired block of text, right-click and hit "Research element". Click "Style" at the bottom right corner of the window and in the window that appears click "Properties". Enter in a line of search by properties – the "font". The browser displays all the text settings of the specified item. Among them will be "font-family", indicating the name of the desired font. Other properties you can define the thickness and style of the text.
A similar feature in Chrome called "inspect element". Clicking on it, expand the "Computed Style", located on the right side of the tab "Elements". Locate the property "font-family" to learn the name of the font.
In browser Opera this function is called "Inspect element". Select it, switch to the Documents tab and click the "Styles" tab in the right part of the window. Type in the "Filter" - "font". Expand the list of "Calculated style", among these properties is the name of the font.
You can also set the font on the website using Microsoft Word. It can copy text into the document, preserving formatting from almost any source.
To define the font by using the Word program, paste in the contents of the clipboard using the right mouse button or combination keys "Ctrl+V", selecting the box "Keep source formatting". You can also use the key combination "Ctrl+Alt+V", putting in "HTML Format".
Look at the Home tab of the displayed font. This method is easier than viewing the CSS properties but in some instances Word specifies the font incorrectly. Be careful.