Determine the date of conception and calculate the approximate day of delivery. Binding may be repeated for 3-4 days and it is important to consider. Pregnancy in cats usually lasts from 58 to 72 days. Partly its duration may depend on the number of kittens as well as cats. In particular, stress at later stages may lead to delayed delivery. If your cat had given birth before, please note the duration of her previous pregnancies, as this time she may be the same.
Pay attention to the cat's stomach. Already in the sixth week it is getting quite large, and after a week, a closer look, you will be able to notice the movement of the kittens. This indicates the approaching childbirth. Usually about a week before lambing Breasts increase considerably in size. Monitor these changes to determine the approximate date of delivery.
Observe the behavior of cats. 1-2 weeks before birth, the animal usually begins to look for the nest, worries, searches through the cabinets, trying to get into the most secluded places. A cat is placed in a certain place, but then rises again and begins to look. 1-3 days before birth, the animal becomes inactive, sleeping a lot. Some cats start more often than usual to cuddle up to the owner.
Follow the cat on last week of pregnancy. Measure her temperature rectally: directly the day before delivery she will decline to about 37 degrees Celsius. 1-2 days before birth, leaves the mucous plug. To notice this can be difficult, because cats are such moments usually hidden. However, you can see how the animal is anxious and often licks the genitals.
A few hours before the appearance of kittens born cat may start to meow loudly and flippers to the owner, her breathing becomes heavy, and the genitalia gradually become yellowish or red highlight. If you notice these signs, know that a cat gives birth to kittens in the next few days.