You will need
  • cell;
  • - trough;
  • - troughs;
  • - wooden perch;
  • - the mirror;
  • - bell;
  • - bathtub for bathing.
Before you bring home a parrot, get him to the cage. Ideally, the cage should be rectangular in shape (in height more than in length and width), spacious enough. Note that in a small cage the bird will be uncomfortable – she will often sit on a perch, not enough to move, and this is not conducive to maintaining her health.
Try to choose a cage made of metal and plastic. Plastic cells can be washed, for them generally easier to care for than hardwood.
Take care of wooden planking. There should be few, so that the bird could jump on the cage to fly from perch to perch. Place them as far away from each other, and certainly good attach. It is important that the perch were not above the feeder and drinker that droppings do not contaminate water with the food.
Locate the cage in place, the proportion of drinkers and feeders. The drinker must be a special bird. Autodrinking designed for rodents, birds not suitable.
Place or hang the feeder. Lovers of parrots recommend that bird feeders were three – for different types of feed. The first is to mineral supplements (charcoal, egg shells, sand and the like), the second – for juicy or soft feed, and the third for basic food. Optimal trough, fastened to the bars of the cage and are made of plastic. Although you can use a tin can and a small ceramic container, placing them at the bottom of the cage.
Take care of the bath-the bath for parrot. It is not desirable to leave her in the cage for a long time. Better to have to clean up after a parrot swim, and every time before bathing fill the tank with fresh water.
Be sure to hang in the cage a few toys for the pet: mirrors, bells and the like. Parrots love these things. Most importantly, make sure that the toy is not too big or loud, otherwise the pet can get scared.