First try to change the owner of a particular local drive. Turn on the computer and log into the operating system. To do this, use any account with rights of administrator. Open Windows Explorer ("My computer").
Locate the icon of the local disk to which you are unable to access. Click the right mouse button and select "Properties". After the launch of a new settings menu open the "Security"tab.
Click the "Advanced" button located at the bottom of the menu. Open the "Owner". Examine the current settings of the access drive. Click "Change".
Now highlight the left click the Administrators group. It should include the account for which you grant access. Activate the option "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects" tick box in the right place. Click "Apply".
Confirm to start the process of changing the owner of a local disk. Restart the computer after performing the described operations. Click each folder located in the root directory on the local disk. Confirm the change of the access parameters to the specified folder.
Try to change the owner of non-system partition of the hard disk using command prompt. Click "start". Type in the search bar cmd and hit the Enter key. Naturally, these manipulations should be carried out using administrator account.
After the console opens, type the command takeown /f D: /r /d y. In this example, there is a change of access for the local disk D. If you need to change the permissions for the other partition, enter appropriate letter. Now type the command icacls D: /grant:r username:F /t. Instead of the word username type the name of your account.