You will need
- - levomicetina or sintomitsinovoy emulsion;
- - antibacterial drugs;
- sulfonamide;
- - the vitamins;
- - vodka compresses;
- - "Romazulan";
- - baked onions;
- - plantain;
- - celandine;
- - kirkazon;
- - aloe;
- - Kalanchoe;
- - Bay leaf.
The symptom is severe pain, emerging from the pressure on the point of attachment of the auricle. Then begins to pripuhnut skin in the parotid region. During the ripening process of the boils, the inflammatory process is increasing and it is spontaneous dissection in the ear canal.
At appearance jerking pain in the ear, pain touch to it and the swollen lymph nodes should see a doctor-the otolaryngologist. The diagnosis is established during the inspection and is assigned an adequate disease treatment.
In the auditory canal is administered turundy gauze with levomicetinom or sintomitsinovoy emulsion. Inside take antibiotics, sulfonamides, vitamins.
Also recommended alcohol compresses to the parotid area, UHF and Solux.
In addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor, at home you can apply other treatments to speed recovery. So, irrigation of the throat and ear patient pharmacy drugs of plant composition "Romazulan" brings considerable relief.
To accelerate proryvnye boil is recommended to be applied to the affected ear grilled onions, compresses with leaves of plantain, celandine, kirkazona, aloe, Kalanchoe.
After proryvnye boil take steam bath in the following way. Boil water in a kettle sit on a chair. Covered with a towel, direct steam coming from the spout of the kettle, to the patient's ear from a distance of not less than 50 cm.
Warm the ear for 3 minutes, then for one minute to cool the face moist cool towel. Perform the procedure at least 10 times, and the pain will be.
An effective remedy is a decoction of Bay leaf. Pour 5 Bay leaves medium-size Cup of boiling water and put on fire, bring to a boil. After removing from heat, infuse for an hour. In a sore ear bury 7-10 drops inside and take 30 ml of the decoction. Perform the procedure three times a day.