You will need
  • - access to the Internet;
  • directory names for dogs;
  • - puppy.
The rules established in the Russian Kynological Federation (RKF), state that the puppy has pedigree, should bear the name, confirming its origin. Therefore, in the name of the pup – or rather, in his name, adds the name of the kennel, where the breeding and selling this breed. The name of the dog should not be longer than 15 letters.
Keep in mind that breeders maintained strict control of all the puppies born in their nursery (including litters). Notes are denoted by letters of the alphabet. All names of dogs and litters are registered in RKF mandatory. They are given a specific letter of the alphabet, re-use where possible only after fifteen years. Thus, your dog's name should begin with the letter specified in the check book.
If you purchased a Yorkshire Terrier in the club, he will not have any names. You will be given a metric, and can choose a nickname for the puppy, start with a certain letter, written in the book of registrations.
There is a belief that dogs themselves can choose their own name. To test this assertion, give your Yorkie some nicknames and see which one he will respond.
You can name the dog based on its external features (similarities with anyone or anything, any special markings in the coloring, etc.)
Don't let the unpronounceable, contain more than one word nicknames. Nicknames for girls should differ tenderness and melody, and for the boys, the cockiness and playfulness.
Don't call puppies human names. Some do not have enough sense of humor to calmly react to this similarity, as a result, you can get into a rather unpleasant situation.
On the Internet there are websites with directories of names for dogs, they are often graded on nicknames for girls and boys.